Thursday, October 7, 2010

The American Girl Doll Mentality/Monopoly

In my first post, I wrote about how we should keep as much manufacturing here in the US as we can, because it's good for all of us. I was so clearly reminded of how not - American the American Girl Doll is when I visited the store on 5th Avenue recently. Not one stitch of that doll is made here, and yet she is the doll of so many girl's dreams! If only they had a chance to know about My Sibling and My Pal dolls!

Our dolls are made in China, but tested for toxins by an American company. There is nothing to be worried about with ou doll, everything about it is safe!

Now to the subject at hand: Can I possibly hope to stand up to the popularity of American Girl dolls? I know it seems crazy, but I plan to. I want children to think of others and the world around them, not just "me, me, me. I also want children to be aware of their environment, and write about there experiences in trying to help in that regard.

Does American Girl dolls have a monopoly on the 18" doll market? Maybe yes, maybe no... it depends on your outlook. This past weekend, when I was at 2 different local venues introducing my dolls. It was mind boggling to hear the mothers saying to their daughters, they came to my table and then walked away: "Come on, (name of child) this is not American Girl!" "No it's not," I would say, if I had the chance: this is My Sibling and My Pal, and we have a mission!

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Keep the work here in the USA!

Why don't we help ourselves? So many jobs that have been outsourced can be done here. The profit margins won't be gigantic, but the unemployment lines won't be, either. Right now there are so many people who would be ready and willing to work, if only the jobs were here.

A work force of people who are reliable, faithful and conscientious is ready to work. They are the millions of people who have developmental disabilities and other challenges that have kept them from the mainstream job market.

Let's keep jobs here and hire our own.